
For our behaviors to change,
our emotions
may have to change

For our emotions to change,
our thoughts
may have to change

For our thoughts to change
our focus
may have to change

For our focus to change
our perspective
may have to change


When doing something

To think that
can carry the weight
is a misunderstanding.

To think that
can or will carry the weight
with us
is also a misunderstanding.

It may be that
finding people
who can and will carry the weight
with us
and learning to share that weight
with them
is a major part of the work

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In our third episode of the season, we host Tim Weber, Founder and CEO of The Artists Uncut.

Tim wants to create a corporate environment, where people feel rewarded on a daily basis, not overwhelmed thinking about the big picture. He is worried that his inability to balance the big picture thinking with the celebration of the every day is preventing him from creating such an environment. In this episode, we explore Tim’s inquiry into this very balancing of the long-term vs the short-term.

Took an LLM Tutorial

In the preface of my book,
I talked about the layman’s struggle
to understand

10 years since then,
I find myself
a formally trained computer scientist—
to understand

Not because I don’t understand
how the software
but because despite knowing
how the software
what it does
is still

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In our second episode of the season, we host Luke Segars, Co-Founder and CTO of Subsalt.

Having experienced both the positive and the negative impact of culture, Luke wants to ensure that the company he leads becomes an example of the former. In this episode, we explore his inquiry into building such a culture from scratch.


Often times
what we are doing
is nothing more
than exploring.

At the heart
of an exploration
is the fact
that we don’t know.

We may try to make it seem
like it is more
than a mere exploration,
by saying we have
a question
a vision,
or a hypothesis.

But deep down,
we know
we are simply

Launching Empathy 101

I cannot believe
it’s been 10 years
since the publication
of my book.

To celebrate this occasion
and to share my work more broadly,
I’m launching a 10-part series
of short writings (mostly 1 pagers)
on empathy.

Click here to gain access at free-of-charge.

This is a work-

You can comment on it
so as to influence my direction

The first 6 parts
have already been published.

I plan to publish the other 4
throughout the year.

Fear vs Danger

When using
a table saw,
there is the danger
of severing
our fingers.

What’s remarkable
is that so long as we have
a clear understanding of the danger
in using the table saw
many of us find it sufficient
to work up the courage
to engage with it
despite the danger,
instead of staying stuck
in the thought
of severing our fingers
which merely gives rise
to fear.