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Coaching Employees

“Can you coach
one of our team members?”
asked the CEO.

if you’re willing to accept
the consequences.”
I responded.

he asked.

“That they may become
so empowered
that they finally work up
the courage
required to leave
your company.”
I answered.

Choice & Responsibility

We often worry
whether the choices we make
may be right
or wrong.

The problem is
that we will never know.

Not because we wont know
after time has past.

But because as time goes by
more things will happen
that we may credit
or blame for our choices.

Given this,
the challenge may not be
making the right
or wrong choices,
but rather
developing the responsibility,
as in our ability to respond,
to the ever so complex situations we face
having made the choice.

I suffered, so…

One way
in which our thoughts
and behaviors
are guided,
is the belief
that since I suffered,
you should also
or you should not.

It’s easy to judge
one to be better
than the other

But the nuance
is that our it may be more effective
to let our suffering be our suffering
and let others decide for their own
and take responsibiltiy
for their choices


I used to think
we cannot be present
with the future
or the present.

But I learned
from woodworking
is that when a table saw
is whirring in front of you,
you have no choice,
but to be present.

The table saw
at that moment
undoubtedly the most important thing
to pay attention.

To be present with something
may be bring it to the present
by writing those thoughts down

The New

When people encounter
something new
or unexpected.

will dislike it.

Because it won’t fit
their expectations.

So to reduce their dissonance,
they’ll come up with ways
to make it fit
by suggesting ways
to fix it.

But then
will like it.

But they’ll be unable
to articulate

Because it won’t fit
their expectations,

The difference
isthe latter group of people
will imagine a context
in which the new will fit
while the former
will try to fix the new
to fit the existing context.

When there is more of the latter group
than the former,
a new genre
a new platform
a new era

If there is more of the former group
than the latter
a cult classic
is born.

an artist
makes art
that defies evaluation.