To be and individual
does not stop
at the soverignty
of the undividable
is to be not enough
it is in company
with others
that what we lack
is fulfilled
Author: Seung Chan Lim
Intersubjective not Objective
We say
we need to see ourselves
that’s impossible.
What we can do
is see ourselves
from an external
yet still subjective point of view.
So it is not a matter
of objective
It is we can empathize
with the point of view,
for it to move us
to feel
as if
we understand.
Addicted to Experience
We think
we get addicted
to drugs,
When what we really get addicted to
is the emotions we feel
when we do
Beyond Compassion
it’s not easy to go beyond
To accept the challenge
of putting aside our own emotions
of concern.
To lessen our focus
on our good intentions
of wanting to alleviate someone’s suffering
or enhancing their well-being.
Maybe even to suspend
our indignance
and resentment.
So as to make room
for a sense of wonder.
To enhance our focus
on revising our expressions
for greater impact.
and staying present with their emotions,
even if we may not like
or want to feel
those emotions.
Asking for Help
all it takes
is to admit
I need you
Help me
I cannot do this
The burden of responsibility
is only heavy
while we delay
our response.
Fear and Judgment
The need to judge
vs wrong
is often nothing more
than a way to alleviate our fear
of being wrong
or perhaps being blamed
for being
Compassionate Blindness
When others resist
or reject our actions
inspired by our compassion,
we may judge them
for being insecure,
blinded by our own good intentions
without seeing how we contribute
to fueling their insecurity
When Pain Matter
When we realize
that our pain
to other people
not in the sense
that they care about us
or they have compassion for us
but in the sense
that we’re not the only one
whose experiencing this pain
and by me experiencing pain
others’ pain can be alleviated
we start to rise from the pain
with a sense of purpose.
Lowering Tension
Our psychological
and relational tension lowers
when we come to empathize
with ourselves
or others
in new ways
through a moment
of realization.