Hyper Empathizing vs Empathizing

When we hyper empathize,
we think
‘I had the same experience they had.
I made it through
so they can make it,

‘Sure, I had a similar experience
they had,
but what’s more important
is that I commit
to being by your side
while you go through
this painful experience
your on way.

Cards Stacked Against

If to be human
is to be in support
and to be supported

Cards arestacked against being human

we don’t learn how to support others
so despire best intentions, we often hurt them

we dont’ seek out support
either because others suck at supporting us so why both
or we are afraid of being judged as weak or incomptent if we do

Meaningless Phrases

When others have done something
that was genuinely difficult for them,
phrases like
thank you
or I appreciate you
may come across
as meaningless.

May we take a moment
to be specific
on what it is that we appreciate
or what it is that we are grateful

Survival, Byproduct, and Focus

What we do for our survival
isn’t selfish
it’s natural
and normal.

Others might not like it
but it doesn’t make it

When we help,
we don’t realize we’re focused
on our own pain and discomfort
but it is when and only when
we can relieve ourselves of tension
and be present enough with our pain and discomfort
to have room in our being
to be with another person’s pain and discomfort
that we can serve
and the byproduct of that is we feel fulfilled
but our fulfillment is not the focus