Playing Not to Lose

Often times
we say we want something
when really
we want to prevent
something else.

we do not want.

Some say
they want
but really
they do not want
to be small.

Some say
they want
but really
they do not want
to be poor.

Some say
they want success,
but really
they do not want
to fail.

not to
instead of playing
to win.

Burden of the Past

Move on,
they say.

Move with,
we experience.

we put it down.

We may even put them
in storage for a while.

But eventually
we take it out
pick it back up
and move with it.

And as we do
there may come a moment
when we look at it
with new eyes.

As if to discover
old photographs.

we now cherish.

Not for the content
of the past.

But for its meaning
in the present.

Two Birds with One Stone

we complain that our advice falls
on deaf ears.

If so
it may be worth discerning
the kind of problem
to which we’re giving

One type of problem
is a dilemma.

A dilemma arises
when we want to catch two birds
with one stone.

If our advice to someone with a dilemma
is to kill
just one bird.

The likelihood
of that advice falling on deaf ears
is high.

To Those Who Carry the Burden

To those
who carry the burden.

The small business CEOs,
responsible for paying their employees’

The parents,
responsible for their children’s

The operating room doctors,
responsible for their patients’

To all those
who have experienced the weight
of responsibility on their shoulders.

You may be feeling the pressure
to meet expectations.

You may be blaming yourself
day after day
for failing to meet

But may you never lose
the certainty
and confidence in yourself.

May you never doubt
your self-worth
or whether you’re working hard enough.

Because your life
is worthy of respect
exactly as they are.

While others may see you
I see greatness.

as the great mountains and valleys
are mere residues
of nature
under pressure and weight.

Great lives
are mere residues
of our will to sustain life
under pressure and weight.

p.s: This was inspired by my wife’s work and her comparison of nature’s work under pressure and weight and an artist’s work under pressure and weight.

p.p.s: I also made a video version of this narrated by AI.


For our behaviors to change,
our emotions
may have to change

For our emotions to change,
our thoughts
may have to change

For our thoughts to change
our focus
may have to change

For our focus to change
our perspective
may have to change