Unintentionally Passive

are often hired
to solve
a problem.

But employees often think
they’re hired
to do
a job.

If the job done
doesn’t solve the problem
that inspired the hire
employees can be perceived
as passive
even if they’re proactive
in doing their job.

If the problem to be solved
isn’t clear
employers can be perceived
as unappreciative
and disrespectful
even if they care
about their employees.


There are leaders
under whom we feel

Not because they want us
but because they focus
on whether we do well
or poorly.

Planting within us the idea
that our job
is to meet their

There are also leaders
under whom we feel

Not only because they need us,
but because they tell us
vulnerably so
they need us.

That they cannot do this
by themselves.

That they need
our help.

Planting within us the idea
that our job
is to be
our best.

Thanks to Connie Chun
who inspired this post.