It’s OK

“I thought
that all my problems would be solved

once I raised enough
money.” he said.

“I thought
that all my problems would be solved

once I hired enough
experts.” he continued.

“I thought
that all my problems would be solved

once I achieved enough
annual revenue.” he let out a sigh.

“I have no more excuses.
All this time,
I have been lying to myself.”
he remarked.

“It’s OK.
We all lie to ourselves
from time
to time.

“What just happened?”
I asked the founder,
noticing his facial muscles
and shoulders

“I just realized
I don’t have to force myself
to change
to be the kind of person
who takes
he responded.

3 Types of Progress

There are at least
3 types
of progress

Forward movement.
Shift in direction.
and Greater clarity.

The first,
is the most obvious.

The second,
may require,
perhaps ironically,
but pays off in dividends
in the grand scheme of things.

The third,
may introduce,
perhaps ironically,
or retreats,
because when it is foggy,
the only way to gain clarity
is to move forward,
even if we know
it is the wrong

Tyranny of Books

Some books
are written
to argue

Those who resonate with the argument
the book.

Those who do not
hate it.

The missed opportunity is
integrating both sides
and drawing a more whole picture
so people can choose
on context.