Uniqueness of Pain

When we feel
in our pain,
we can think that our pain
is unique.


We can think that our pain
must be

Because we may think that
it is the only way,
can matter.

But when we feel
with an other’s pain,
we may realize that our pain
is not unique.


We may realize that our pain
need not be

Because we can see
that the pain of those
with whom we feel connected
to us,
which means
so does our own pain,
by virtue
of the connection
in our pain.

Proving to One’s Self

“I don’t want validation.
I just want to prove to myself
that I can do it.”
he said.

“How would you know
when you’ve proven it
to yourself?”
she asked.

“I’ll know it
when the customer
loves it.”
he replied.

“It sounds like
you need customer validation
to prove to yourself,
is that right?”
she asked.

Unshared Weight

“The weight
of responsibility
is so heavy.”
remarked the Founder.

I responded.

“The weight
of unshared responsibility
is heavy.”
I continued.

“The weight
will be the same
no matter what.
The choice you have
is with whom
you’ll share it
and how.
The choice is yours
and yours
I remarked.