Respecting vs Expecting

To expect
is to passively await
in our assumed knowledge
of the future.

To respect
is to actively look
at the unappreciated wonders
of the present.

For each thing
we expect,
that inspires within us
anger-related emotions
like frustration
if we respect instead,
what can arise
is power
and confidence.

The kind
that comes from discovering
we did not know
we had.

Hamster Wheel

It’s easy to think
that the things
other people want us to do
are more important
than what we want to do.

It can seem
that doing what we want to do
is selfish and bad
while doing what others want us to do
is altruistic and good.

And yet,
we are the proverbial “other people”
to somebody else.

May we pause
to deeply wonder
what it is we’re doing
and ask ourselves
the wonderous question
of “why?”

Why have we prioritized
certain tasks
over others?

May we live life
as the wonderous
and paradoxical
that it is
of merely a series of problems
to be solved
our lives
can easily turn into something
to a hamster wheel.

Beginner’s Mindset

Those of us
who started our companies
with nothing more
than “I want this!”
often lost our way
when we started wanting
things others say we should want
or things we assumed others wanted.

It was often
not until we got near the death
of our companies
and had to face
either those to whom we are indebted
or those whom we had to let go,
that we were forced
to return to the simple question
“What do I want?”

A question often misunderstood
as an expression of greed
or selfishness,
when in fact,
it can be the fuel
for the most empathic expression.

An expression that can provide value
to our customers,
and ourselves.

An expression
born out
of a beginner’s mindset.