Unshared vs Shared Risk

The risk
lies not merely in the risk,
But also in not sharing
the risk.

To achieve something great,
we often think
we have to take on all the burden

That this
is how we show our care.

That this
is something others
will appreciate.

what may be more desired
by those cared for by us
is to belong,
to participate,
to contribute.

So as to take the risk

No matter how great the risk.
No matter how difficult.
Something significant about it changes,
when it is shared together.

Learning from Disgust

who provoke our disgust,
may also be those
from whom we can learn
our limiting beliefs.

we encounter someone
who disgusts us,
may we ask
what we’re telling ourselves
they shouldn’t be doing.

Not to judge their behavior
as wrong or bad,
but to discover
if we believe we
shouldn’t be doing them,

And if so,
may we get clarity
on the fear or concern
underlying this belief.

the moment we discover
that there are times
and ways
in which the risk
underlying our fear or concern
is either manageable
or worth the cost,
is also the moment
we will realize empathy
and learn a new choice.

A new choice
that could lead
to innovation.