Janusian, not Martial, Art

To empathize with the familiar,
all we need is to have empathy
before we can realize empathy.

But artists empathize with the unfamiliar,
the unknown,
the uncomfortable.
So do anthropologists.

For them, having empathy is insufficient.
They need to be able to realize empathy,
when it doesn’t do so automatically.

This requires the mercy
of the creative process.

But, just as martial artists cannot will her victory,
we cannot will a realization.
Just as martial artists can only practice
to increase her probability of victory,
We can only practice to increase our probability
of realization.

Except our end isn’t mere victory,
it’s innovation.

This is a Janusian Art,
as Martial is from the Roman God of war, Mars,
and Janusian is from the Roman God of transition, Janus.

To be a Better Designer, Attend to Your Pain

We experience tension
when there’s a conflict
between what we expect or need
VS what we have

Design begins
when we take responsibility
for clarifying,
and addressing
our tension.

Say we expect computers
to be more usable.
We begin to design
the moment we take responsibility
for clarifying,
and addressing
this tension.

We don’t always design, though.

we push responsibility

We blame.

This is normal.

Especially when tension
accompanies pain.

If we wish to design
may we attend to our pain

Before it becomes
an untreated wound.

A wound that can be irritated
leaving us
with such a low threshold
for tension
that we end up spending
too much of our time blaming
instead of designing.