Empathic Humor – Part 2

“I’m afraid
my presentation
will fail.”
said the founder.

“What do you mean
I asked.

“It won’t impact
my employees.”
he responded.

“You’re assuming
that your employees
will even listen.”
I commented.

He laughed.

And that
was what he needed to hear
to release his anxiety
and express himself
instead of pandering to the audience

Not Caring

It is not
that I do not care
about them.

I do.

It is that
I am confident
I can recover
the relationship
or recover from
the relationship.

That even if I do something
they wont like
I trust
that they care about me
just as I care about them
for our relationship
to sustain.

we are merely conforming
walking on eggshells


To change
our Circumstance
may we start
by changing
our “self.”

To change
our “self,”
may we start
by changing
our circumstance.

This may sound paradoxical,
but it merely means
that when something changes
in our environment
enough to inspres us
to take responsibility
for responding differently
to our environemtn
change starts