The folks
whom we neglect the most
in our efforts to manage up
may be
our parents.
The older I get
the more I realize
that they need our support
more than we need their’s.
What if Irony is Judging Others for Lacking Empathy?
The folks
whom we neglect the most
in our efforts to manage up
may be
our parents.
The older I get
the more I realize
that they need our support
more than we need their’s.
Launch failure
can sometimes be
the birthplace of
a pivot.
“I’m afraid
my presentation
will fail.”
said the founder.
“What do you mean
I asked.
“It won’t impact
my employees.”
he responded.
“You’re assuming
that your employees
will even listen.”
I commented.
He laughed.
And that
was what he needed to hear
to release his anxiety
and express himself
instead of pandering to the audience
If the goal post
of life
is death,
are guaranteed
With achievement
how do you wish
to enjoy?
They say
the key to happiness
is lowering
Choosing to let go
of what we wish
to see.
But at others times
we can also experience happiness
by discovering
or creating value
through respecting.
By learning the choice
to see what is already there
in a new way.
from what we took for granted,
what we once assumed
too mundane
or worthless
It is not
that I do not care
about them.
I do.
It is that
I am confident
I can recover
the relationship
or recover from
the relationship.
That even if I do something
they wont like
I trust
that they care about me
just as I care about them
for our relationship
to sustain.
we are merely conforming
walking on eggshells
If you do it that way,
you can fail!
Even if we say those words
out of compassion
for another person.
The person receiving it
can easily interpret it
as a curse.
To change
our Circumstance
may we start
by changing
our “self.”
To change
our “self,”
may we start
by changing
our circumstance.
This may sound paradoxical,
but it merely means
that when something changes
in our environment
enough to inspres us
to take responsibility
for responding differently
to our environemtn
change starts
An empathic conversation
is a conversation
where two things happen
1. you feel heard
2. you see what you could not see before
Managing individuals
is different
from managing a system.
Its easy to confuse
with infrastructure
To better understand,
imagine managing a garden
instead of managing a machine