Option vs Choice

need not
move us
to make
a choice.

For lunch,
we may have 5 options.
Yet, none of them
may move us
to make
a choice.

We can weigh the options
all we want,
but this may merely fuel
our inner conflict,
until we feel moved enough
to make
a choice.

unlike options,
move us
to action.

Some choices
are made
the kind I find fascinating
is the kind that arises
when we realize

That moment,
when we’ve finally moved
from a state of dissonance—
of not empathizing—
to a state of resonance—
of empathizing.

That moment,
when what we once could not see
becomes surprisingly self-evident,
and oh so obvious
in hindsight,
making us go
“Oh, of course…!”
exclaiming at the possibility
that has just

p.s: My gratitude goes out to Dr. Paul Pangaro for the wonderful conversation that inspired this post.