
is not something you either have lots
or lack
it is something that has to be managed
and sometimes realized
in th moement

So much arrogance these days
is folks who claim to be empathic
and are really merely compassionate


What I learned in art
is that the work gets done
because there’s an exhibition.

Without an exhibition
the artist can work on their piece
until they’re perfect.

compared to perfection
the work
is never be enough.

The role of an exhibition
is to force us to define
what is “good enough.”

Myth of the Self-Made

“You must have had
so much will power
to finish your book!”
someone asked.

I finished it,
because I promised
my kickstarter backers.”
I answered.

“You must have had
so much courage
to leave your comfortable job
to go to art school.”
someone asked.

I went to art school,
because it was the only ray of hope
I was offered
by a stranger.”
I answered.

Everything I’ve done
that seems difficult
was done
because someone supported me
to do it.