Tyranny of Books

Some books
are written
to argue

Those who resonate with the argument
the book.

Those who do not
hate it.

The missed opportunity is
integrating both sides
and drawing a more whole picture
so people can choose
on context.

Same vs Different

No two “things”
can ever be
the same.

Especially if we consider
their location
in time
and space.

So when we hear someone say
“it’s the same thing,”
and we disagree,
we have at least
two choices.

We can argue why they’re not
the same.

We can also discover their perspective,
which is focusing on a similarity
between two or more things
that they value enough
to say “it’s the same thing.”

The choice
is ours
and ours only.

May we take responsibility
for our choices.

Gift Giving

Some give gifts
based on their projection
of value.

Something expensive
Something rare
Something ??

The receiver appreciates gifts
based on what they value
but have difficulty attaining.

Something they wouldnt pay that much for

Doing Enough

There is a difference between
wondering if there is something you cannot see
vs if you are not doing enough.

Whether youre doing enough or not
is a matter of amount

Whether you can see or not is black and white

If you cannot see something
you can do enough work
and still be working on
the “wrong” thing.